
Canada 🇨🇦 - 2022


Pearpay provides payment services for insurance companies in north America.

How we helped?

We designed branding, visual communication guide and webflow website for Pearpay.

Projeye sıfırdan birlikte başlayıp, getirdiğimiz nokta çok memnun edici. Uxmast ekibinin yetkinliği, hızlı iletişimi ve kullanıcı odaklı yaklaşımları, Ovinot’ta tasarım kültürü oluşmasında yol haritası oldu. Müteşekkiriz.

Onur Güngör

Head of IT Development and Operation


As Pearpay provides B2B service solutions, we believed that perception of trust was our prior way of thinking when we were designing the brand guide.

payment for insurance.

When we were working on logo creating, metaphoric story was the slices of Pear matching the installments of payments.

We thought it would be better to use a more geometric shapes to give the message of parts can merge and define the mass.

UI style of the website was designed to give fresh feeling to user and to increase the accessbility we have used huge font sizes.
Website has designed in figma and applied in Webflow as no-code.

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